Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cousin It

Mainly because we have no idea what it is, we named this giant thing growing up the side of the house Cousin It. All we know is it's huge, it's growing through the porch, into the siding, across the roof and it's got to go.  The first photo was taken after the lower branches were removed. The branches went all the way to the ground and spanned 4' on either side of the trunk.

Now if we can just get rid of the hideous chimney we uncovered... 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My favorite room, my kitchen

The kitchen was pretty bare bones when we moved in. Just a few cupboards and a sink, that was about it. I love to cook and until we remodel it in a few years, the kitchen needs to function.

Used appliances & random furniture have rounded out my little sanctuary quite nicely.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Is renovating a late 19th century farm house a labor of love? Yes. 
Does finding treasures like these help make it all worth it? You bet.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Let the games begin.

This house has been empty for a long time. The wonderful smell of mold & mustiness that greets you as you walk in the door is, well, unpleasant.

So first things first before move in - the nasty old carpet in the dining room & living room has got to go!

My oldest sister & 3 of her girls came up for the day to visit, sweat, flex & help me accomplish my mission. I'm so thankful for my amazing family.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Three Acre Farm - The beginning

Living Room - East view

Living Room - West view
Dining Room

Bath - first floor
Kitchen - East view

Kitchen - West view

Pantry - looking South towards Office door

Antique Sales Addition
Basement Stairs

Stairs to 2nd floor (off dining room)
2nd floor hallway
2nd floor 1/2 bath

North facing bedroom

East facing bedroom

East facing bedroom

the Barn

Shed - Pole Barn